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  • PROUD SON of Immigrants

  • DIST. 3 RESIDENT, and business owner 20 years



   -Moosa’s Lakefront Custard

   -Casablanca Brookfield

   -Casablanca Brady Street

Dist. 3 Issues

  • SAFETY & ROOTS OF CRIME - Do we feel safe and secure?

  • HOUSING - Value-driven housing programs and policies

  • ECONOMIC GROWTH - Create a thriving district FOR ALL




Stopping crime and safety isn’t just about policing; it’s about creating environments where people can thrive. Compassionate, highly visible leadership and addressing root causes of violence and crime will cut down criminality at its roots. As a leader coming from Milwaukee’s black and brown community, Nas will demand mutual respect and accountability from all stakeholders.


Seniors that own homes and workers facing rent hikes need relief. By increasing affordable housing, standing up for renters, and supporting homeowners, we can attract great new residents while still being proactive caretakers of those that call Milwaukee home.


Our economy must work for everyone – that means stellar city services, creating good-paying jobs, supporting small businesses, revitalizing neighborhoods, and creatively protecting homeowners from rising costs. Supporting all our District stakeholders also means fighting to broaden workers' rights and educating people on the positive impact of unions and union families.


Protecting the environment and fostering our youth is paramount. We can offer every child the chance to succeed by investing in public schools wraparound services, bridging MPS, State and County programs with City assets, expanding youth programs, and providing job training. Early education in stewardship and protecting our green spaces will protect our environment into the next generations.



  • "TOGETHER WE WIN, TOGETHER WE CELEBRATE" - from our parks to our festivals, our dining options and great educational institutions - Milwaukee is a world-class place to visit and celebrate. How do we facilitate quiet, safe streets - while also having giant, fun celebrations we are use to?

    • The best thing about Alderman Kovac and Alderman Brostoff, our last two Common Council members, was their strong independent streak. They weren’t controlled by big business, or tied to the big interests that run City Hall and “politics as usual” in Madison. I pledge to have that same independence from outside influence, and will make decisions wholly based on what’s best for our 3rd District neighborhoods - always acting with input and buy-in from stakeholders.

    • A NEW VISION - we need help with Marketing and Messaging: Wisconsin is dead last in public investment in the Arts. Milwaukee is known as one of the most segregated cities in America, and the 53206 zip code is number one nationally for the highest incarceration of Black men. What if, in 20 years, Milwaukee was one of the least segregated cities in the U.S. and a national leader in public investments in our young artists? My team plans on holding challenging but engaging meetings throughout the District, to see what ideas neighbors can brainstorm and foment to start to move the metrics on racial divisions - and dig into what’s holding us back from being a more inclusive and supportive City.

  • RADICAL ADVOCACY for Our Seniors and MKE Homeowners

    • FUND FANTASTIC PUBLIC SCHOOLS - We need to celebrate our Milwaukee homeowners - people who own a home in Milwaukee cannot be a piggy bank to cover for the failures and inaction in Madison, with our broken state school funding system that robs the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County of tax dollars and unfairly under-invests in our superb Milwaukeeland public schools. Our business and civic leaders must lobby the Wisconsin Legislature to fund MPS and Milwaukee County’s fantastic public schools properly. I pledge on day one that I will work hard to drive down property taxes by being a lead nonpartisan advocate on this issue. These efforts will be in addition to searching for any efficiencies to save Milwaukee homeowners their hard-earned dollars. My office will always be proactively searching for creative fixes, open to suggestions, and ready to adapt and improve services to meet our City’s needs - while attempting to conserve vital resources and funding.

    • STOP PROPERTY TAX HIKES - organize civic and business leaders to push Madison and WI State Legislature from under-funding MPS and fantastic public schools across Milwaukee County and Wisconsin. I support school funding referendums that have been popular statewide, but they are not a sufficient or long-term fix, and pit neighbor against neighbor. Property tax relief starts at the state level. We need to educate voters on these issues.

    • OUR SENIORS need comfortable and accessible voting locations, protections against losing their homes because of property tax hikes, and quality City-County services such as senior centers and libraries.

    • CREATE City program, with checks and balances, to prevent seniors from losing their homes from property tax increases.

    • PRIORITIZE neighborhood norms, and respect for green spaces, from Gordan and Kadish Park, to the Oak Leaf Trail and Lake Park.

    • North Ave, Downer Ave, and Brady St - and all Dist. 3 business corridors - should be respectful of homeowners, workers, renters and families when it comes to noise, litter, and nuisances. I will be a 24/7 advocate fighting for quiet and safe streets.

  • RADICAL DEFENSE of Women and MKE Workers

    • Can a UWM student jog with her dog at night along Lake Park or walk home after enjoying an evening out at North Avenue’s fantastic venues? Can a mom park off Brady Street after a long night working at a bar or restaurant and expect a hassle-free walk home without questioning her safety or fearing she’ll find a window smashed or her car stolen the following day? Do young women feel secure when parking in their alley at night in Riverwest? Can we envision a Milwaukee without murderous car accidents filling the headlines? Young men are acting like entitled brats and are the vast majority of these insane drivers. All Milwaukee men, our leaders especially, need to reach out to their peers and our young men - and demand better. My office will be a safe space to call out institutions and businesses failing women. Violence prevention and common sense anti-crime measures are key, but leaders need to radically address violence and petty crime and traffic violations with peer mentoring, youth outreach, and a new model for the proud Milwaukee Man.

    • START A BETTER MAN PROGRAM - modeled off teen peer mentoring to reduce cigarette / nicotine consumption - how do we divert young men from racing, dangerous traffic violations, and recenter the City's youth vibe? With the Trump administration coming in, Wisconsin, Milwaukee County, and Milwaukee leaders need to be very loud about what is expected of young men in terms of civic and personal respect.

    • More importantly, in the short-term, our District 3 campaign is aiming to increase turnout in April’s election, to help elect a Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate that respects the reproductive rights of women - and helps us honor and celebrate our WI medical colleges, our healthcare workers here in Milwaukee, and specifically our OBGYN’s whose expertise and care women rely on.

    • ACT 10 is ILLEGAL and immoral - Milwaukee City and County workers, and our MPS educators, deserve the right to form and join unions - something that Local elected officials need to champion loudly. Workers start small businesses, and shop locally, and we need to address the issue of low wages and high rents that have hurt Milwaukee workers, especially in the last decade and since COVID. Everyone matters in our city, and renters should have the support of their Common Council members.

  • HIGH-QUALITY Services and Quality of Life

    • Taxpayers work hard, so our City government and our institutions should be wonderful places to work - but also accountable professional units that provide high-quality services, where the expectation is always high satisfaction.

    • Every block and neighborhood should expect timely snowplowing, mindful garbage and waste management, great roadways, and safe alleys and sidewalks. No neighborhood or district should languish without vital services.

    • BIKE FRIENDLY MILWAUKEE - Business owners and young families are looking for bike friendly neighborhoods to relocate to. Resources should be committed to make Milwaukee a great place for commuters and families to travel safely on bicycles daily, regardless of the weather.

    • SMART TRANSPORTATION - removing old or underused sections of highway should be studied closely and discussed. The goal: creating livable, walkable neighborhoods with great jobs, and great opportunities for recreation and exercise, and fresh and healthy food options.

  • WORLD CLASS RESOURCES and support for Businesses

    • Investors and entrepreneurs think fast and communicate globally, Milwaukee should be an easy and fun place to start a new business, or move businesses to reinvest in our City.

    • REGULAR MEETINGS with neighborhood small employers and workers: aiming to improve hiring, increase base wages, and support an ecosystem where business collaborates closely wi

    • th the public - and a City government that addresses the hurdles businesses have to expand and hire.

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